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Mr. Xu Shengheng  ("Mr. Xu"), aged 61, the Joint Chairman of the Board and Executive Director 

Mr. Xu is the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group and an executive Director, the deputy chairman of nomination committee, the deputy chairman of remuneration committee, the deputy chairman of group development strategic committee, the compliance officer and an authorised representative of the Company. Mr. Xu holds the title of Senior Engineer and a doctoral degree of Geological Engineering from the China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and a Master degree of Business Administration from the International EMBA from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Mr. Xu has long been engaged in the field of heating provision and is committed to the preferred shallow geothermal energy as an alternative energy source for northern heating. By physical change process to provide heating for buildings with heating area free of combustion and zero emissions. The original single-well circulation heat exchange of renewable geothermal energy collection technology developed by Mr. Xu has realized the industrialization development and is one of the low-temperature heat (shallow geothermal energy) collection technology of the integrated heating/cooling emerging industry of the Group. Mr. Xu is currently also the director of certain subsidiaries of the Company.


Mr. Liao Yuan  ("Mr. Liao"), aged 53,  the Joint Chairman, Co-chairman of the Board and Non-Executive Director

Mr.  Liao  is  the Joint Chairman of the Board, and the non-executive Director, the  deputy  chairman  of  nomination  committee and  the  deputy  chairman  of  group  development  strategic committee of the Company. Mr. Liao is a senior Accountant, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources from BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY*(北京交通大學) and a master’s degree in Business Administration from DONGBEI UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE  &  ECONOMICS*(東北財經大學).  Mr.  Liao  has  been  worked  in  COFCO Corporation*(中穀糧油集團公司) and CHINA LIGHT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION FOR FOREIGN ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION*(中國輕工業對外經濟技術合作公司). Mr. Liao joined China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group since 2009, he successively served as the Officer of the Comprehensive Finance Department and the Deputy Chief Accountant of Zhonggie Blue Sky Investment  Consulting Management Company Limited*(中節藍天投資諮詢管理有限責任公司) and the Deputy General Manager, the Officer of the Operation Department and General Manager of China Energy Conservation Consulting Company Limited*(中節能諮詢有限公司). Since  2020,  he  successively  worked  in  China  Energy  Conservation  and  Environmental Protection Ecological Products Development Research Center Company Limited*(中節能生態產品發展研究中心有限公司), China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Green Development Research Institute*(中節能綠色發展研究院), China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Consulting Company Limited*(中節能諮詢有限公司) and China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Research Institute*(中節能碳達峰碳中和研究院). Currently, he is the General Manager of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Ecological Products Development Research Center Company Limited*(中節能生態產品發展研究中心有限公司), the Executive Dean of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Green Development Research Institute*(中節能綠色發展研究院) and the Executive Dean of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Research Institute*(中節能碳達峰碳中和研究院).


Mr. Dai Qi  ("Mr. Dai"), aged 41, Executive Director

Mr. Dai is the executive Director, the deputy chairman of remuneration committee of the company, and the member of group development strategic committee. He currently also serves as the general manager of the Integrated Business Department I of Ever Source Science and Technology Development Group Ltd.*(恆有源科技發展集團有限公司), a subsidiary of the Group. After joining the Company, Mr. Dai successively served as the administrative director of the Group and the vice president of HYY Development Group. Mr. Dai holds a master’s degree from Southwest Jiaotong University (西南交通大學). Previously, he worked at Beijing Dongcheng Branch of Shenzhen Development Bank (深圳發展銀行) as a senior account executive and  held  positions with Strategic  Management  Department of China  Energy Conservation  Investment Company Limited (中國節能投資公司) and Strategic Management Department of CECEP. Besides, he acted as deputy general manager of Investment and Capital Operation Department of CECEP (HK).


Mr. Zhang Wei  ("Mr. Zhang"), aged 50, Executive Director

Mr. Zhang is the executive Director, and the member of group development strategic committee of the Company. Mr. Zhang is currently the chief security officer of CHYY Development Group Limited, deputy general manager of the Group’s geothermal industry and executive deputy manager of the operation and maintenance center, chairman of Ever Source Science and Technology Development Group Co., Ltd.*(恒有源科技發展集團有限公司) and chief engineer of Ever Source Ground Energy Heating and Cooling Technology Service Company*(恒有源地能熱冷技術服務公司). After joining the Company, Mr. Zhang has successively served as executive vice president, deputy chief engineer and chief safety officer of CHYY Development Group Limited, deputy general manager and engineering center deputy general manager of Ever Source Science & Technology Development Group Co., Ltd.*(恒有源科技發展集團有限公司), and deputy general manager of Ever Source Ground Energy Heating and Cooling Technology Service Company*(恒有源地能熱冷技術服務公司), general manager of Beijing Ever Source Environmental System Installation Limited*(北京恒有源環境系統設備安裝工程有限公司), and general manager of Ever Source Technology Development Group Pizhou Co., Ltd.*(恒有源科技發展集團邳州有限公司).  Mr.  Zhang holds a degree in Agricultural and Water resources from China Agricultural University and a title of engineer. Mr. Zhang has served as deputy chief officer of Beijing feng tai district water bureau (北京市豐台區水務局), a general manager of Lingnan Water Group Company Limited (嶺南水務集團有限責任公司) and a general manager of Haimian City Investment Company Limited (海綿城市投資有限公司). Mr. Zhang is currently also the director of certain subsidiaries of the Company.


Ms. Liu  Ening  ("Ms.  Liu"), aged 44, Non-Executive Director

Ms. Liu is the non-executive Director and the member of group development strategic committee of the Company. Ms. Liu graduated from The RAFFLES-BICT International College(北京服裝學院萊佛士國際學院) in 2004 with a bachelor degree in business administration. From 2004 to 2010, she worked as an administrative manager in Beijing Shuntian Green Slope Technology Co., Ltd.(北京順天綠色邊坡科技有限公司) . Since 2010, she has been the deputy manager and manager of the media operation department in  Beijing  Tomorrow  Sunshine  Advertising  Co.,  Ltd.,(北京明日陽光廣告有限公司) responsible  for  media  promotion  and operation management. Ms. Liu has extensive experience in marketing and management, and she also has extensive investment experience in the education industry and environmental protection industry.

Mr. Zhang Yiying  (" Mr. Zhang"), aged 51, Non-Executive Director

Mr. Zhang is the non-executive Director and the member of group development strategic committee of the Company. Mr. Zhang graduated from Capital University of Economics and Business (首都經濟貿易大學), in accounting major. From 1994 to 2005, Mr. Zhang worked as the manager of credit department at Beijing Branch of China Construction Bank (中國建設銀行). From 2005 to 2009, he worked as assistant to the chairman and manager of the investment department at Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited (中新地產集團(控股)有限公司). From 2009 to 2019, he worked as a project manager and investment manager in Xi’an  project of  Longisland  Investment Group (HK)  Limited (長島投資集團(香港)有限公司).  From 2019 till  now,  he has  been a director and  manager of Xi’an  Baoshihua  Regional  Energy Technology  Co.,  Limited (西安寶石花區域能源科技有限公司). Mr. Zhang has extensive experience in real estate project development and engineering, as well as extensive management and investment experience.


Mr. Zhang Honghai  ("Mr. Zhang"), aged 71, Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Zhang is the independent non-executive Director, the chairman of audit committee, the member of remuneration committee, nomination committee and group development strategic committee of the Company. Mr. Zhang graduated from Peking University in 1982 and subsequently completed a postgraduate programme at the International Business School of Hunan University and was awarded a master degree and the title of Senior Economist. Mr. Zhang also holds an EMBA degree from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Mr. Zhang has served as director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality and Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality. From 1990 to 1998, Mr. Zhang worked as deputy general manager, then was promoted to vice chairman and general manager of Beijing International Trust Investment Limited. Mr. Zhang has served as (i) an executive director and vice chairman of Beijing Enterprises Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 392); (ii) an executive director and chairman of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 371); (iii) an executive director of Beijing Enterprises Environment Group Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 154); and (iv) an executive director and chairman of the board of BEP International Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 2326). From September 2014 to January 2017, Mr. Zhang was the independent non-executive Director of the Company.


Mr. Wu Qiang  ("Mr. Wu"), aged 64, Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Wu is the independent non-executive Director, the chairman of the group development strategic committee, the members of remuneration committee, nomination committee and audit committee of the company. Mr. Wu graduated from China University of Geosciences (中國地質大學), Beijing in 1991 and obtained the doctoral degree in Engineering. Mr. Wu is currently a professor of China University of  Mining  & Technology (中國礦業大學), Beijing  and the  academician  of  China Academy  of  Engineering.  Mr. Wu  was honored with the "Li Siguang Geological Science Award” and received many honorable titles including the leader of Chang Jiang Scholars  Program of the  Ministry of Education, one of ten winners of the first "Outstanding Postdoctoral Award of China", "National Outstanding Teacher" and the State-selected candidate of the first project of "Hundreds, Thousands, and Ten Thousands of Talents for the New Century" of the Ministry of Education. In addition, he is one of the recipients of special government allowance granted by the State Council, and is the deputy chairman of International Mine Water Association (國際礦山水協會) (IMWA), the president of national committee of IMWA China and one of the associate editor of Mine Water and the Environment, the SCI-indexed journal. He also serves as a member of China Association for Science and Technology (中國科學技術協會), a member of Commission of Technology under Former State Administration of Work Safety and the head of "Expert Panel On Hydrogeology" under the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety (國家煤礦安全監察局). Mr. Wu has published many books and over 300 academic articles. His works were honored with three Second Class Awards of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 10 first class awards of provincial award, while nearly 50 invention patents were granted by the United States, Hong Kong and China and 27 national software copyrights were granted. He worked as the chief editor for preparation of a number of reference books, such as national technology standards and manuals. The research team under his leadership was awarded Outstanding Innovation Team of the Ministry of Education and the "Team of Safety in Mines" of China Association for Science and Technology.


Mr. Guan Chenghua  ("Mr. Guan"), aged 55, Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Guan is the independent non-executive Director, the chairman of remuneration committee and nomination committee, the member of audit committee and group development strategic committee of the Company. Mr. Guan graduated from Law School of Peking University in 2005 with a doctoral degree in law and holds an EMBA degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of The Institute of Economics and Resource Management of Beijing Normal University. He had served as teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor and Associate Dean of School of Marxism of Peking University, senior visiting scholar at Kennedy School and Law School of Harvard University, the Dean of Innovation and Entrepreneurship College of Xihua University, the Dean of The Institute of Economics and Resource Management of Beijing Normal University, secretary of Beijing Changping District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and secretary of The Communist Youth League Beijing Municipal Committee. Mr. Guan is also currently the deputy director of The University Council of Beijing Normal University, the president of Capital Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy, the director of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Green Industry Platform (GIP) China Chapter, a committee member of Beijing Municipal Government Expert Advisory Board, the Dean of China Institute of Innovation and Development (CIID), Beijing Normal University, an independent director of Beijing Life Insurance Co., Ltd. etc. Mr. Guan has long been engaged in teaching and research at high-level universities, and has extensive local government work experience. He has also published a number of monographs covering different topics such as education and talent training, city innovation, green economy and development.



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